This comic series is something truely amazing! Its everything I always wanted and more. Zombies, post-apocalyptic struggle and survival, mature subject matter w/ logically thinking charcters, and GORE, lots of it! Don't get me wrong I love my ole' spidey and wolverine comics along with their superhero cousins, but this one just took me to a whole 'nother level. Suffice it to say It might be better than The Watchmen with its great charcter development and ever changing protagonist Rick and crew ahveing to fend off zombies, other rival groups of not so nice humans and each other! It makes for great entertainment! Especially since I find myself less and less watching the idiot box unless there's a new episode of the Venture Bros, but since that season finally ended there's been nothing to fill that void!

Aside from that, I found out Apple has a new verison of its nano and touch lines. I love the new touch and will probably cop one in the near future, but the nano, looks like a generic verison of its self! I don't really like the elongated rectangle shape, but I do like that they've lowered the prices on all of their lines. Also the addition of the new headphones w/ the built in remote and mic look officicial.
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