Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A New way of thinking! Zeitgeist: Addendum

Sup people, I know I been gone for a month, but I told you from the start that this wouldn't be a frequent thing, just spur of the moment type deal! Anyway, I stumbled upon this movie by way of a forum I frequent (www.boxden.com) and found this posted and thought it was an anime or something! So I check it out and the thread starter is talking about how good this movie is and that everyone will be angered, but enlightenend about the real situation this country faces with it's current economic and social structure! I fig'd I'd give it a chance since I've seen flicks like bowling for columbine and the like. I just got done watching it and it blew my fucking mind how WRONG our financial and political system really is! This isn't some normal propaganda for one political party or how people should all be tree hugging hippies, this is real talk about why our country is facing H-E double hockey sticks w/ sunburn already over 50% of the body! 

I'm gonna post the link to a streaming version of the movie. I hope anyone who comes here will take some time to watch even the 1st 15 mins of this to help their thought process! 

Spoiler alert: I wish I could do tenet 5 (I think) of not joining the military, but its still a decision that at the time felt was the lesser of two evils and filled a void! I don't know where I would be w/o it, but I do know if this world becomes a police state, then I'm gonna have to go rouge or help ppl from the inside! Aside from that I think I'm gonna try to do more to help my family become more self-sufficient and off the grid in the coming years!

Lastly I say open up your minds, think of "my country is the world... and my religion is to do good!" - Thomas Paine 1737 - 1809

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